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Topic's Subject: Questions about running events
R3's Subject: How do I manage a monthly meeting and keep track of past attendance?
R4's Subject: Can I assign multiple positions to an organization, rather than signing up individual registered people? Next Match 
From: PRESTO Team To: All Groups
Yes. To do this, register a "pretend person" whose name is the organization that is providing the people. As part of this, enter "sponsor" in the Roles field* of the registration form.

You can do regular signups of a sponsor of course, but the fastest way to signup a sponsor multiple times is often Top-of-page middle down-arrow->Add Multiple Schedule Items & Signups (while See/Do Signups is the current page). Simply enter the sponsor's name multiple times in the Who to Assign area of the box. Note that you later change an anonymous sponsor signup to a registered person: do an Update Signup and enter the person's name in the Give Spot To field.

If you want the Sponsor organization to be able to login and do its own signups, give it an email address when you register it.

*If the Roles field is not enabled in your registration form, go to Customize Registration Form, click on Add Field, enter Roles as its name, and click on the Add or Extend button.

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R5's Subject: Is there a way to attach a note to an activity/shift someone has signed up for?
R6's Subject: How do I allow people to see who else has signed up for an event?
R7's Subject: How do I list everyone who hasn't signed up for an event?


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