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Topic's Subject: Questions about building signup schedules
R1's Subject: We have adult and children activities. What can we do to avoid people signing up for the wrong category? Next Match 
From: PRESTO Team To: All Groups
PRESTO has 2 "levels" at which you can deal with this issue.

If you want all the schedule items to still be on 1 schedule page:

  • Create 2-part activity names, and set the 2nd part (i.e. the Location field) to either Child or Adult.
  • Then update your actual schedule's view to have a Layout that is "by Location". This will cause all Child activities to be grouped together and all Adult activities to be grouped together.
  • Additionally you might want to use Update Event Props to make the UI term for location fit your usage better (e.g. make it Age or Shift).

If you want to present separate Child and Adult schedules, create 2 schedules named something like Child Signup and Adult Signup. This way users can see/click on one or the other in Self-Signup Home's What's Going On table. You can create these 2 schedules in 1 of 2 ways:

  • You could create two actual schedules (use Make-Signup-Schedule-->Do Setup Action to create the second).
  • You could have one actual schedule and use an activity naming convention (like different Locations, as above) and then use Display View (the magnifying glass icon) to create 2 view-only schedules. Mores specifically, you would fill in the What Item is For field to respectively select all Child activities and all Adult activities. Finally if you don't want your regular users to see the full actual schedule, use Do Setup Action->Update Props to set its Visibility to less than All Signup Pages.

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R2's Subject: How do I create a schedule item about a long-term job?
R3's Subject: When would I give an activity a Request signup style instead of the Immediate style?
R4's Subject: Can I make a "placeholder" schedule item -- one that cannot be signed up for?
R5's Subject: Can someone signup for 2 activities with overlapping durations?


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