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Topic's Subject: MIssing Opera! (6/27/20) Next Match 
From: A user To: All Groups
Staff and Ushers

Thanks, Jamye, for creating this new group messing system. Like many others, I am so missing ushering at the Opera House, which was an important part of my life. I miss Sharon at the North Entrance with her clip board welcoming me and giving me my assignment. I miss the evening orientation with Jamye and connecting with other ushers. Most of all I miss helping the patrons get seated and connecting with them during the break. And I also miss saying good-night to all of them as they leave. And, of course, I miss the opportunity to see such extraordinary performances. The whole experience was just such a great way to spent the evening with others who share my enthusiasm for opera and the arts.

I will miss the summer and, now alas, the fall opera season. I'm just not getting my opera fix, with even Live from the Met productions on hold. Who would have dreamed such as thing like a pandemic would so deeply effect us, isolating us at home without any live performances anywhere.

Which is to say, I miss you all; hope you are well and safe, and that I look forward to seeing you all again whenever that happens.

Be well.

Laury Rand

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