Note: you can edit as desired the 3 built-in reports: sign-in sheets, address labels, and name-badge labels.
You can select an existing report from the page's dynamic menu, or you can create a new report. Once the page's current report is the one you want to work on, there are 3 aspects to building a report definition.
You need to set the report's core properties.
You need to create and position the pieces of info that you want in the report, as described in the next section.
You need to set the report's normal output rules. A report has two kinds of output rules. Layout rules specify how the report is formatted. Is-about rules specify which signups/people to include in the report (e.g. the signups of the current year versus the ones of the previous year).
Suppose you want to do a Seminar Attendance report. You might want to output all columns in one overall report, or you might want to define title terms so as to chunk the report into sub-reports. Your chunking choices in this example are: the the people per seminar or the seminars per person. The examples in this section show how PRESTO makes these choices available to you.
The examples assume you have the following signups:
Do two Add Column's, setting one's Value to Person's->First Name and the other's to Schedule Item's->Activity.
Perspective 1 (seminar column added first):
Seminar Attendance
Perspective 2 (seminar column added second):
Seminar Attendance
Do an Add Term for Schedule Item's->Activity. Do an Add Column for Person's->First Name. This leads to a report with two chunks:
Do an Add Term for Person's->First Name. Do an Add Column for Schedule Item's->Activity. This leads to a report with four chunks:
The above examples assume you only need one version of the Seminar Attendance report. What happens if you sometimes want an unchunked report and sometimes one by seminar?
Presumably you do not want to create the second report from scratch. Also even though you now have two report names, you probably still want the chunk titles to be as shown above. To achieve this:
Once you are satisfied with a report's definition, you can output the report whenever you like:
Temporary output rules give you a way of outputting the same basic report, but with different formatting or different signups/people (e.g. the signups of the current year versus the ones of the previous year). When you are done with them, just click on clear them (or select a new report or PRESTO page).
If you are on the Admin Report page, you also have the option of saving these rules for future use. To do this, click on save them. This displays the Save box, which gives you the choice of updating the current report's output rules or creating a new report containing the tweaked rules.
You print a report by clicking on the Print Report button below the displayed report. However you may want to do some setup first. In particular:
The main way is to insert HTML directly into the value of columns and terms as you create them. Localized tweaks are straightforward (assuming you know HTML of course). For example, to change the color of something, precede it with <span style=color:a color> and follow it with </span>.
However the results of incorrect HTML are unpredictable, and you are on your own in diagnosing them. Here are some common mistakes:
It is also possible to tweak the actual styles PRESTO uses. However this is not for the faint of heart. To do this, do a Put Report in File, examine the styles PRESTO uses, and then redefine them with a stylesheet of your own.