Registration and the Admin Form

For people to signup for an event, they must be in the people database. Registering is what adds a person to the people database.

If you have setup new-user messages, a person who gets registered with an email addresss will be sent an announcement about how to use your PRESTO website. Similarly if you later give an email-less user an email address, she will be sent the new-user message at that time.

Filling In the Registration Form

Fill in at least the starred(*) fields, and then click on the Register button.


  1. After registering (or updating) someone, on the next Register you can click on Load Last Person's Info to start a Register with that person's info.
  2. In addition to any roles defined for your group, you can use the PRESTO-defined roles: guest, sponsor, and inactive.

The Standard Admin Enter-Later Value: ???

Sometimes you need to distinguish between a blank value and no value entered yet. In particular, suppose you create a new required field that only the user can properly enter. Suppose also that a need arises for an admin (or agent) to update other fields in the user's database record before the user has done that. If the admin did nothing special, the Update would fail because a required field was left blank. Conversely you do not want the admin to enter an improper value.

To handle such cases, the admin should enter ??? in the field when doing the update (either manually or via Import):

This feature can be used for optional fields as well. Perhaps you want to output reports to keep track of which users have filled in a value for some new form field. If so, when you define the field, you should also:

Delete, Undelete, and Expunge

Click on Delete to remove the person from the people database.

A normal Delete does not delete historical signup data. If you view an old event's signups, this person's Registration Info will still be accessible — and contain an Undelete button. (Conversely if you later try to re-register this person, it will fail while telling you the old event. You can then do a Signups Per Person for that event to get to and Undelete the person, thereby re-activating her old registration info).

If Expunge Signups is checked, clicking on Delete deletes both the person and ALL signups the person owns. If you don't care about historical signup info, you can do this for anyone. Otherwise it is mostly for getting rid of malicious users who have created bogus signups.

Note: If Expunge is done from a signup page, click on your browser's reload/refresh button afterwards to see the changes.

Related Features

After a Register, Update, Delete, or Undelete is done, the change is sent to the Email Address for DB Changes if any (see the Configure Group page).