Schedule views are how you control the presentation
style of a schedule and/or display just the schedule items you are interested in.
To display a temporary ad hoc view of a schedule, click on a to
bring up the Display View box. Then fill in
what you want to view and click on the Display View button.
You tend to use temporary views in two very different ways:
If you decide a temporary view will be of use to you in the future, make it permanent by clicking on the Save link that is now on the signup page's title line.
A view includes the schedule items that match all the entered scheduling criteria: So if none are entered, the full schedule is displayed. Calendar months, grid rows, and grid columns that contain no matches are simply stripped from the display. But if a not-in-view grid cell has to be drawn, an asterisk is displayed in it.
The scheduling criteria you can set:
(Note: the item state and sliceable-item criteria are n/a to Make Signup Schedule)
Item State matches are based on what signups have been done for the schedule item. User Can Still Signup for It means all not-closed, not-full, ongoing or later items.
A regular item is Full if the number of signups at it has reached its Slots Available limit (which includes its waitlist if applicable). (See the next section for what constitutes a Full sliceable item).
When an admin-created view is used on a self-signup page:
These criteria control how availability bars are rendered and what constitutes a full sliceable item. A sliceable item is considered full if the largest available chunk in its availability bar is shorter than the current service's duration. If there is no current service, each item's shortest service is used instead. Note that Display View's Show Bookability dropdown menu can be used to set the current service.
An item's availability bar range is set to the item's entire range unless you enter both Time Range to Show fields. You enter both to display a shorter bar. For example, if you are interested in just the morning, set them to 8AM and 12, or the like.
Range-to-show times outside an item's range are ignored. If all of them are outside the item's range, a short red bar is displayed when the item is in your view. (Since such items are considered full, they are not displayed when your view excludes full items).
Because a grid row or calendar day shows multiple schedule items, excluded items can be in the scope of what is displayed:
*(Some groups only allow people to signup for certain schedule items. An item a person cannot signup for is called role-excluded. And zoom works as described to allow users to see all their co-workers).
The List layouts are good for smaller or irregular schedules. The Grid layouts are good for dense, repetitive schedules (e.g. reserving tennis courts). The Calendar layouts can help you see the big picture, particularly in long schedules with at most a few schedule items per day.
More specifically, Layout controls how activity names on a signup page are arranged. In the List layouts, each schedule item is one row of a table. You can choose one overall alphabetical list, or one table per day, activity location, or activity project. In the Grid layouts, each schedule item is one cell of a table, and each row contains items with a single date/time. You can choose one overall table, or you can choose to have one table per activity location. In the Calendar layouts, monthly calendars are shown, and you can choose to emphasize different aspects of the schedule:
(Since color-coding supplants normal schedule coloring (e.g. highlighting of new signups), choose this option if you need the normal info or your schedule would need too many colors).
(If you choose this option, location-less activities are all colored off-white).
(Such colors are shown in zoomed schedule items only if an admin has setup permanent colors).
This only applies to admin-signup pages. A setting of New Signups shows recently created or edited signups: up to 24 hours old for completed signups and up to 72 hours old for unapproved requests. A setting of Pending/Ready Signups shows signups with just these 2 status's.
Pending/Ready Signups displays signups in the order the user created them. The other options display signups alphabetically — but with Pending signups at the end. These orderings apply both unzoomed and zoomed.
These enable you to get to the desired portion of the schedule with one click. If you do not want to waste the space for the TOP row (or whatever), select the No TOP Row option.
The Automatic option is the default and works as follows:
The Automatic policy also applies if the current option does not apply to the current layout. Example1: if you have a by-location layout, the Day, Week, and Month options do not apply. Example2: if you have a calendar layout, all but Month are not applicable.
The other options, when applicable, work as follows:
When locations in the top row are truncated, the letters before their last Space are stripped whenever multiple truncated locations would be the same. For example, when max is 10, South Precinct 1 and South Precinct 2 would be truncated to South Pre..1 and South Pre..2.
If the first period of a schedule consists of location-less activities or planning activities, there is no good way to name this period. So it has no link, and you use the TOP link to display it. On the other hand, if the top row truly has only 1 period, a link to the end of the schedule is appended.
Some unusual actions change the periods in a schedule in a way that cannot be easily reflected. When this occurs, you need to refresh the web page to see the new top row.
The Save box gives you these choices:
To display descriptions of all the schedules the current event has, click on Top-level menus->Left MORE->Manage Schedules.
An event's schedules are listed on Self-Signup Home and on signup pages. In these lists, they are ordered as follows: all public-schedule names and then all personal-schedule names. Within each category, schedules are ordered alphabetically by their "raw names". A schedule's raw name is the name you enter when you create a schedule. (Actual schedules are created on Make Signup Schedule, and view-only schedules are created via Save Temporary View).
There are two ways the presented name of a schedule can differ from the name it was given when it was created:
If a date field (say Date2) is not today-relative and you put DW2 or MD2 in the view's raw name, the symbol remains in its presented name. Thus if you put any of these symbols in a view's name and only then go to make the view today-relative, the dynamic date info will not be shown until you save the temporary view.
Recall the Court Reservation example above; it had today-relative view-only schedules that each displayed one day. To present the "day after tomorrow" in time-order, even when a week is spread over 2 months, you would:
If today was Tuesday Jan 30, this would lead to this schedule's presented name being Thursday, Feb 1.
This page lists all the schedules the current event has. From it, you can:
Showing a temporary view is often used to display an ad hoc view of a schedule. It is also the 1st step in creating new view-only schedules. For example, suppose you have a week-at-a-time rolling event for tennis court reservations. Further suppose you want your users to be able to choose (with 1 click) which day's court slots to display. To achieve this, you would do the following 7 times:
Now all 7 schedules will appear in the Schedules column on everyone's Self-Signup Home.