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Topic's Subject: Export CSV file feedback (community-wide excerpts from group-specific topic) (1/15/19)
R1's Subject: Request for more info (1/15/19) Next Match 
From: PRESTO Team To: All Groups
> These apply to Mac Users Only -
> All this feature does is save a text edit file with comma separated values, it does not import
> them into you calendar (maddening).

> If you open the csv.txt document with Word for Mac, you can convert it to a table (selecting
> "separate at commas".
> However, the headings will be off. There are nine or ten columns, with the first two headings, appearing in positions 8 and 9.
> If you move all the columns over by two, and insert the correct headings, the table will make sense
As far as I have ever seen, the column headers are always correctly aligned in the cal.txt file. So I guess this is a Word for Mac issue. If that is wrong, please email an example of a bad txt file.

> Except for the nonsense columns - "All Day Event" will always equal False, so just delete that entire column.
> Also, Start Date, Start Time, End Date, End Time columns contain superfluous info. Just go
> ahead and delete" End Date column and you will show your Date, Start Time and end time.
The columns exported are what Google Calendar expects. So if as implied above, Mac Calendar can't handle some of these columns, then (as suggested above) deleting them is the correct thing to do.

> The Export doesn't always list all the "closed" positions.
Please email Support an example of this.

> for some bizarre reason, the csv's table lists all the "closed" positions as well as the "all
> set" positions. However, there is no specification which is which.
Presto has no notion of a "closed signup", so I'm guessing you mean the shifts you did not get after the scheduling person has made all his scheduling decisions for some period of time?

Signups have 3 states that are relevant here:
1) Date of schedule item in past: these are never exported.
2) Signup is completed/all set (scheduler gave you this shift): these are exported

3) Signup is pending. These are exported AND look the same as completed signups. This seems wrong.

**** I see 2 approaches to fix this, and am requesting feedback as to which users feel is better: ****
a) Don't export pending signups.
b) Make the Description column (the one that currents says "from prestogem") indicate pending or completed.

Or suggest another approach if you wish.

Note: currently at least, presto does not know whether NOW is before or after the scheduler has done his thing.

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