Creating an EventClick on the desired option to add an event to Admin Home's event table and make it the current event. Basic Options:Use the button to create a new sort of event. Use the dropdown menu the next time this event occurs, thereby creating an event whose properties, schedules, and activities are the same as the old event — but with a different start date. Sample Events:Use this option to create an event that is a copy of a sample event, including any signup forms, reports, and announcements defined for the sample event. (After selecting the event you want to preview, visit Make Signup Schedule and Manage Activities and so on to decide if the sample event meets your needs. If you decide not to use it, get rid of it via its Web Stage->Delete Event command on Admin Home. Otherwise use Update Event Properties to give it a real start date. Note that until you do this, the sample event's start date is Jan 1, 2000). Rolling Events:A rolling event lasts as long as you keep it around, but shows only days near the present. One way to initiate a rolling event is to create a rolling template and its schedule, and then do its first Roll. The other way is to transition a regular event into a rolling event, which starts with using the Do Converting Copy dropdown menu. |
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