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Topic's Subject: Questions about running events
R5's Subject: Is there a way to attach a note to an activity/shift someone has signed up for?
R6's Subject: How do I allow people to see who else has signed up for an event? Next Match 
From: PRESTO Team To: All Groups
When people are registered, they are assigned a privilege level. To allow the above, they should be given a privilege level of at least See All Signups*. When a person has See All Signups privilege or higher, there is a List All Signups link at the top right of the self-signup schedule. Additionally there is a checkbox on each schedule line (except in Calendar layouts). A click on such a checkbox will display all the signups for that schedule line.

If you still want some people to have a privilege level of Self Only, you can share specific information with them by using Email Announcement. For exmaple, you can send them reports or use Insert Recipient's->Coworkers or Teammates.

*If you will be doing an Import Database, you can do this for all your existing people at once by having a privs column in your import file. If you allow self-registration, you should make See All Signups the default privilege level (see the Configure Group page). You can also set this privilege individually via admin-Register or Update Registration.

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R7's Subject: How do I list everyone who hasn't signed up for an event?


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