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Topic's Subject: "Is PRESTO for us" questions
R2's Subject: Does PRESTO have a free trial period?
R3's Subject: In what ways do you protect the safety and integrity of our data? Next Match 
From: PRESTO Team To: All Groups
First of all, we never share your email addresses or anything else with anyone. We also do not store any financial information for you. We rely on PayPal for that.

Since PRESTO is a web app, you can access your group's data from any computer and everyone always accesses the same up-to-date data. Physically your data is protected as well. The server is hosted at RailsPlayground, which provides fault tolerant data storage, redundant power, fire protection, and digital security. Additionally we back up your database daily.

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R4's Subject: Will there be ads on my group's pages?


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