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Topic's Subject: General admin questions
R1's Subject: What's the best way to get up to speed with PRESTO? Next Match 
From: PRESTO Team To: All Groups
That depends on your style and your website design experience.

The most systematic approach would be to:

  1. Read the Introduction to PRESTO and then about our UI conventions.
  2. Take the Guided Tour on Admin Home.
  3. Look over a sample event by clicking on Admin Home->Create Event and selecting from the Preview Sample Event dropdown menu.
  4. When you configure your group, click on an Initial Setup link.
  5. When you create your 1st event, click on the running-an-event checklist.

The least systematic approach would be to just rely on the default group configuration initially and simply start creating your 1st event. Please do make use of the light blue Help links on the pages you use. We certainly believe they are pretty thorough. As you run into specific questions, click on Help/Support and then use Site Search at the top of the page. If you find things hard to understand overall, try reading the Introduction or taking the Guided Tour.

And last but not least, we are always available for help. Our goal is to insure you succeed. You can ask us questions by creating topics in the forum or by emailing us at We will do our best to respond promptly.

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R2's Subject: How do we migrate our group's people to PRESTO, and tell them about it?
R3's Subject: Why are the date/times in my report sorted out of order?
R4's Subject: How do I make a report display only future schedule items?


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