Self-Signup Home (after login*)
This is the view that a regular user (i.e. someone with less than Observer privileges)
has after logging in. You're seeing it now because the Enabled Privileges dropdown menu
is set to Self-Only (or See All Signups).
In addition to seeing your group's upcoming events, a logged-in person can:
- Signup for events.
- See what she has already signed up for.
- Edit or cancel her current signups.
- Fully access the PRESTO user forum: create/view private-to-your-group messages
and create/view public messages.
- Update her registration info and (if your group has passwords) her password.
- Create, display, and manage personal signup schedules (such as the book sale's
Spots Still Available schedule —
more on this in the next slide).
Tour Note:
*If the page says you are not logged in,
click on Intro, then Next (to login), and then Users (to get back here).
Group Admin
Setup Event
Run Event