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To get help for the PRESTO page you are using, click on something this color. Or if you prefer: come here, enter a search phrase, and click on the Search Site button above. If you still have an issue, report it as described here.

Reporting a Support Issue

Critical Problems (GROUP ADMINS ONLY)

If your website is down or it has an equally critical problem, you should:

  • Report the problem as described below.
  • Notify us of your report by sending a subject-only message to emergency@prestogem.com.

This message's Subject should contain: your group's website ID (i.e. the term after prestogem.com/vo/), who we should contact, and the contact's phone number.

Other Issues from Group Administrators

If you think you have a PRESTO technical issue or need technical help, please submit a report as described below.

Issues from Non-Administrators

For event participation questions (e.g. basic how-to questions), use the contact info at the top of your self-signup page.

For personal-info issues, email your group administrator: ktari@concordma.gov.
HOWEVER you can usually fix the following situations yourself:

  • If you forgot which email address you registered, login with the name you registered instead.
  • If you forgot your password, click on the Dont-Know-Password link.
  • If you enter an incorrect name, click the link that emails your name to you. (If you entered your middle initial, you might want to reenter it without the initial first).
  • If you need to change your email address, login with your old email address, then change it yourself.

ONLY if you think you have a PRESTO technical issue (as opposed to a personal-info or event issue), report the issue as described below. Depending on the nature of your issue, we will either directly reply to you or forward it to your webmaster.

Kinds of Reports


Please don't be shy. If you are not sure something is a problem, report it anyway. Even it is just a misunderstanding, perhaps it will help us improve the Help.

It is certainly possible you have found a general problem, but please do not presume it. Always try to provide specifics: when the problem occurred, the name of your group, the page or dialog box you were using (including self-signup vs. admin), and the names involved (i.e. the event, the schedule view, the form, the form field, and so on). Finally please try to use the proper PRESTO terminology in your report. For example, if you say "register" when you mean "signup", we may not be able to figure out what you are actually reporting.

Any experimentation you do before entering the report will be appreciated, but it is not required. For example, you could restart your browser and try to do the problematic action again. If that works, you probably have run across a browser problem. However it is still possible it is a PRESTO problem, so a report would still be appreciated. Similarly, you could try a different browser. If you see any variability in browser behavior, please also include in your problem report:

  • Which browser product you are using.
  • Its version (click on the browser's About link in its Help menu).
  • Any special browser preferences/options you have setup.


We are always looking to improve PRESTO. When you have opinions about our policies and features, please make suggestions. We really do listen.

If we accept your suggestion, we will reply with an idea of when you might expect the desired change to be made. As time permits, we will respond to the remaining suggestions.

Administrator Questions

Our goal is to assure that you succeed with PRESTO. We will try to respond promptly to all your questions. Additionally, when your question dictates it, we will offer to contact you by phone.

You may ask as many questions as you like, so long as we think you are making progress towards setting up your group. But if not, you will have to go it alone or make arrangements to pay for further support.

How to Submit a Report

To get support, visit the PRESTO user forum and create a message there. (If you cannot use the forum for some reason, please email your message to support@prestogem.com). Either way, there is no charge.

How to create a message in the forum:

  • If you are not currently logged in to a PRESTO group, do so now.
  • Click on a Forum link (e.g. the one at the top of this page).
  • Click on a Create Topic button (or a Create Reply button if this is a follow-up message or a search indicated your issue has already been raised by another user).
  • If creating a new topic, set the TO-field to All Groups.

    (A group adminstrator may also set it to PRESTO Support, but should do so ONLY IF the conversation needs to be private. Such conversations are marked with a red P on Forum Home).

  • Enter your message and click on Create.


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